Wednesday, 19 March 2014


18th March 2014

Tuesday Ladies Golf                                22players (18)  7 players (9)

4BBB Stableford Championship 2nd Round

Winning Team: 1st & 2nd round combined =

Faye McCrystal (44)/ Cheryl Westcott (35) Rounds of  35 & 42 pts = 77 pts

Congratulations !!!!!!

Day Competition:


Faye McCrystal (44)/ Cheryl Westcott (39) =42 pts


Shirley Gray (29)/ Leonie Hamilton (35) = 39 pts

on C/b from D Law /M Williams


4th Hole: Faye McCrystal
13th Hole 2nd Shot: Helen Danson

Pro Balls:

Faye McCrystal
Cheryl Westcott
Shirley Gray
Leonie Hamilton

9 Hole Competition

Winner: Joan Spence (42) = 14 pts

R/Up: Lorraine Bradley (45) = 12 pts

Sunday, 16 March 2014


15th March 2014

Saturday ladies Golf Results

1st Round Summer Cup      13 Players


Winner: Kay Pridgett (29) = 37pts

R/up: Sheree Wetton (17) = 34 pts

NTP: 14th Hole  3rd Shot= Sheradyn Johnson

Pro Balls:
Kay Pridgett
Sheree Wetton
Pam Scholtz

Friday, 14 March 2014


11th March 2014

Tuesday Ladies Golf         16 Players (18Holes) 4 players (9holes)

4BBB Partners Stableford Championship 1st Round

Winner: Glen Barber & Milica Cole  - 39 pts

R/Up: Corina Cross & Barb Sargent- 38 Pts

 NTP: 4th Hole : Sheree Wetton

Pro Balls:

Milica Cole
Glen Barber
Corina Cross
Barb Sargent

9 Hole Competition


Winner: Bev Hunter - 7pts

on C/B from Marg Burridge

Sunday, 9 March 2014


8th March 2014

Saturday Par 2014       12 Players

Winner: June Roach (45) = -1

R/Up: Corina Cross (29) = -2

NTP: 17th Hole 2nd shot: Sheradyn Johnson

Pro Balls:

June Roach
Corina Cross
Shirley Gray

Tuesday, 4 March 2014


4th March 2014

Monthly Medal

Stroke and putting

22 players of 18 holes
4 players  of 9 Holes

B Grade:

 Winner: Barb Bright (21) 88 gross 67 nett

R/Up: Corina Cross (30) 99 gross 69 nett

on C/b from Kay Pridgett

C Grade:

Winner: Pat Tindall (44) 112 gross 68 nett

R/up: Penny McCarthy (35) 108 gross 73 nett

NTP: 4th Hole: Jenny Dovison
        : 12th Hole: Kay Pridgett

Pro Balls:
Barb Bright
Corina Cross
Kay Pridgett
Denise Law

9 Hole Stableford

Winner: Fay McCrystal (45) 12 pts


Winner Monthly Medal: Barb Bright


Saturday, 1 March 2014


1st March Saturday

Stroke      8 Players

Winner: Sheradyn Johnson (8) 74  (66 nett)

R/up: Sheree Wetton (17) 94 (77 nett)

NTP: 2nd shot 2nd Hole: Sheradyn Johnson

Pro Balls:
Sheradyn Johnson
Sheree Wetton

Sunday, 23 February 2014


Saturday 22nd February 2014

Stableford    8 Players

Winner: Penny McCarthy (36)= 36pts

R/up: Pam Scholtz (32)= 30 pts

NTP: 18th hole 3rd shot: Jean Harle

Pro Balls:
Penny McCarthy
Pam Scholtz


18th February 2014

Tuesday 18 holes-Stableford      20 players

B Grade

Winner: Val Morrison (26)= 29pts

R/UP: Pam Scholtz (32)= 27pts

C Grade:

Winner: Denise Marmion (36) =31 pts

R/Up: Penny McCarthy (36)= 29pts

          c/b Helen Danson

NTP: 4th Hole: Glen Barber

         17th Hole: Barb Bright

Pro Balls:
Denise Marmion
Val Morrison
Penny McCarthy
Pam Scholtz

Thursday, 13 February 2014


11th February 2014  19 players-18 holes 7 players -9 holes

Tuesday Stan Petty Trophy Par 18 Holes

B Grade Winner: Val Morrison (27)  square

R/up: Shirley Gray (29) -3

C Grade Winner: Denise Marmion (37) square

R/up: Glen Barber (40) -1


6th Hole 2nd shot: Sheree Wetton

12th Hole: Barb Bright

Pro Balls:
Denise Marmion
Val Morrison
Glen Barber
Shirley Gray

Winner: Stan petty Trophy: Denise Marmion on c/b from Val Morrison

9 Hole Competition

Winner: Julie Galpin (44) square

Sunday, 9 February 2014


7th February 2014

Stableford 8 players

Winner: Leonie Hamilton (36) 35 pts

R/up: Shirley Gray (30) 31pts

NTP: 14th Hole 2nd Shot: Sheradyn Johnson

Pro Balls:
Leonie Hamilton
Shirley Gray

Saturday, 1 February 2014


1st February 2014

Saturday Ladies Golf -Stroke round


Winner: Barb Bright (22) 89 gross 67 Nett

R/up: Sheree Wetton (17) 89 gross 72 nett on C/B from

Lois Weldon, Glen Barber, Denise Law and Jean Harle

NTP: 9th Hole: 2nd shot: Sheradyn Johnson

        : 12th Hole: Sheree Wetton

Pro Balls:

Barb Bright
Sheree Wetton
Lois Weldon

Tuesday, 28 January 2014


28th January 2014

Tuesday Ladies Par No of players 22 played 18 holes, 3 played 9 holes

B Grade:

Winner: Sheree Wetton (17)= -2
R/up: Jean Harle (21)= -4

C Grade:

Winner: Helen Danson (40)= -2
R/up: Enid Hamilton (42)= -3

NTP: 2nd Hole 2nd shot: Sheradyn Johnson
       : 12th Hole: Melica Cole

Pro Balls:
Sheree Wetton
Helen Danson
Glen Barber
Joan Coombs

9 Hole Comp Winner:

Barbara Clarke -1

Monday, 27 January 2014


21st January 2014

Stableford Summer Cup Qualifier

B Grade
Winner: Kay Pridgett (31) =  37pts
R/up: Barb Bright (22) = 33pts

C Grade:
Winner: Pat Tindal (43) = 34pts
R/up: Glen Barber (41) = 33pts

NTP: Barb Bright x 2

Pro Balls: Kay Pridgett
                 Barb Bright
                 Pat Tindal
                 Glen Barber
                 Helen Danson

9 Holes
Winner: Barbara Clark (39) =15pts
R/up: Marg Carroll (43) = 13pts on C/b from Julie Galpin


Saturday Two person Ambrose

Winners: Sheradyn Johnson (7)

                Laurene Graham (45) = Handicap (13) score : gross 78, nett 65

Runners Up: Helen Danson (40)
                     Barb Bright (22) = Handicap (15.5) score : gross 82, nett 66.5

 Pro Balls: Sheradyn Johnson
                  Laurene Graham
                  Barb Bright
                  Helen Danson