Wednesday, 21 March 2012

4BBB Stableford Championship 2nd round 20th March 2012

The morning was spectacular as we teed up for the 2nd round of this championship, and we had some excellent scores in ( just to show that the weather does make a difference!!)

Our daily competition winners were Barb Sargent (H'cap 37) and Bette Neil (H'cap 24) with a great 45 points.
this was on a countback from Pam Scholtz (H'cap 35) and Corina Cross ( h'cap 32) also with 45 points.

Well Done ladies!!


N.T.P. 1st shot 4th Hole    Sheree Wetton

            3rd shot 14th Hole   Milica Cole
Pro-Balls went to Barb Sargent, Bette Neil, Pam Scholtz, Corina Cross, Joan Coombs and Glen Barber.

Our 9 Hole winner was Agnes Trewick (H'cap 37) with 12 points.

4BBB Championship Stableford 1st round 13th March 2012

We had quite a nice day for our first round of the 4BBB stableford Championships, as 28 ladies teed up to do battle!!

Our winners with a great score of 44 were Gail Dodd(h'cap 26) and Pat Tindal(h'cap 44) and our runners up were Sheree Wetton (h'cap 16) and Jean Harle(h'cap 20) with 39 points.

Congratulations Ladies!!!

N.T.P. 2nd Shot 6th was Gail Dodd who put her 2nd shot in the Hole!!
            2nd Shot 13th was Jean Harle.

and pro-balls went to
Gail Dodd, Sheree Wetton,Sylvia Clark,Jocie Smith,Trish Doughton and Lyn Greer

Our 9 Hole Comp. was won by Sam Paterson with 14 points..


On our Monthly Medal Day 27 ladies teed up. The weather was quite good!

Our "B" grade winner was Denise Law(H'Cap 31) with a gross 100 Nett 69. Well done Denise! and our runner up was Jean Harle (H'Cap 20) with a gross 93 nett 73.

In "C" grade our winner was Marg Carroll (H'Cap 44) gross 122 nett 78, and our runner up was Helen Danson (H'Cap 42) gross 122 nett 80.

Congratulations to all of the above ladies!

Our medal winner was Denise Law............ Congratulations Denise!!

We also had a deciding result for our February  Medal Day as we had a tie between Gail Dodd and Leonie Hamilton last month, and the winner of this was Gail Dodd!!!

N.T.P.    1st Shot 4th Hole was    Barb Sargent
               1st Shot 12th Hole was  Barb Bright.

Pro-Balls went to Denise Law, Jenny Dovison, Marg Carroll, Milica Cole and Barb Bright.

Our 9 Hole Comp was won by Faye Mc Crystal...!!

Sunday, 4 March 2012

STABLEFORD 28th February 2012

At 7.30am on Tuesday morning the weather looked not good.It had been raining for most of the night and it was quite dark, as 25 ladies teed up in this stableford event.

Fortunately, although the course was wet, and the bunkers full of water, we managed to complete the round without being rained on!!

Our winner in "B" grade  with a very nice 36 points was Denise Law (H'cap 31) and our runner up was Lyn Greer with 35 points (H'Cap 28).

In "C" grade our winner was  Gaye Carey with 31 points (H'cap 42) and our runner up was Pat Tindal with 30 points (H'cap 45)

Congratulations to all of these ladies who managed good scores in trying conditions.

Nearest the Pin  2nd Shot on the 6th Hole was Sheree Wetton
                           1st Shot on the 12th Hole was Gaye Carey.

Pro-Balls went to Denise Law,Lyn Greer,Gaye Carey,Sylvia Clark,and Joan Davies.

Well Done Ladies!!   Next week we go back to an 8am start, and we will be playing stroke/monthly medal Day.         

See you all then!!!!

Monday, 27 February 2012

STABLEFORD 21st February 2012

29 Ladies teed up at our early time of 7.30am, and the weather was fine and sunny, though not too hot!!

Our winner in "B" grade  (h'cap 29 ) with a nice score of 34 points was Maggie Clarke, and our runner up on a countback from both Kay Pridgett and Val Morrison was Sylvia Clark (h'cap 31) with 32 points.

Our winner in "C" grade (h'cap 45) was Marg Carroll with a very creditable 41 points and our runner up (H'cap 45) with 32 points was Enid Hamilton.

Well done to all of these ladies!!

Nearest the Pin   1st shot on 4th Hole was Marg Carroll   and
                            2nd shot on 13th Hole was a tie between Sheree Wetton and Milica Cole

Pro- Balls went to Marg Carroll,Maggie Clarke,Sylvia Clark, Kay Pridgett, Val Morrison,and Enid Hamilton.

Our nine hole competition was won by one of our new ladies  Agnes Trewick with 10 points- well done Agnes!!

Next week is our last week with a 7.30am start and then we revert back to 8am.

Good Golfing !!

Wednesday, 15 February 2012

STABLEFORD Saturday 11th February 2012

We had 12  ladies play in the stableford competition today.

Our winner with 38 points was Helen Danson (H'Cap 45) and our runner up was
Leonie Hamilton with 34 points (H'Cap 34)..

well done ladies!!!

Nearest the Pin was Jean Harle, and pro balls went to Helen Danson,Leonie Hamilton and Loren Dennett

Congratulations to all of the above!!


It was a perfect day for golf, and we started bright and early as we teed up in  a par round to decide the winner for the STAN PETTY PERPETUAL TROPHY.

Our winner in "B" grade was Gail Dodd (H'Cap 26) with a nice score of +1 and our runner up was
Sylvia Clark (H'Cap 32) who finished square.

Our winner in "C" grade was Diane Tullberg (H'Cap 45) also with a nice score of +2 and our runner up was our new member Barbara Clarke(H'Cap 45) who finished with a +1.

Well done ladies!!

Of course this means our winner of today's trophy was Diane Tullberg, and Stan Petty was on hand to present the trophy and a lovely gift to Diane!!
Many Congratulations to Diane!!

Nearest the Pin   1st shot 4th Hole was Kay Pridgett
                            3rd shot 14th hole was Milica Cole

Pro Balls went to Diane Tullberg,Gail Dodd, Sylvia Clark,Barbara Clarke,and Gaye Carey.

Monday, 13 February 2012

Tuesday 7th February 2012 Monthly Medal/Stroke/Putting

29 Ladies teed up beginning at 7.30am. The weather was not too bad and we finished the day with quite sunny conditions!!

Our winner in  "B" grade (h'Cap 27) with a gross 95 nett 68 was Gail Dodd and our runner up following closely on her heels was Bette Neil( h'cap 26) gross 95 nett 69

Our putting was won By Gail Dodd with a total of 29 putts on a countback from Pat Tindal, also with 29 Putts.

Our "C" Grade winner was Leonie Hamilton (h'Cap 35)  with a gross 103 nett 68 and our runner up was Joan Davies (H'Cap 44) with a Gross 114 nett 70

Congratulations to all of the above ladies....

Our Monthly Medal winner will be decided next month with a play off between Gail and Leonie!!

N.T.P. 2nd shot 2nd Hole was Val Morrison
            1st shot 12 Hole was Sheree Wetton

Pro Balls went to Gail Dodd,Leonie Hamilton,Bette Neil,Joan Davies,Lyn Greer,Sylvia Clark,Val Morrison and Shirley Gray.

Next week is a par round when we will be competing for the Stan Petty Perpetual Trophy and Stan will be on hand to present the trophy!!

Saturday Stroke 4th Feb.2012

11 ladies teed up for our Stroke Competition with our winner being none other than our talented Junior Sheradyn Johnson ( H'Cap 20) with gross 90 nett 70!!!

Our runner up was Leonie Hamilton (H'Cap 35) with a gross 107 nett 72 !!

Congratulations to both ladies!!

N.T.P. was Sheradyn Johnson

and Pro-Balls went to Sheradyn and Leonie!!!

Tuesday Stableford 31st January 2012

This was the first day that we had decided to start little earlier, because of the Summer Heat!! and 26 ladies teed up in very chilly conditions for the time of the year!!

Our winner in "B" Grade was Bette Neil   (H'Cap 26) with a nice 37 points and our runner up was Sheree Wetton ( H'Cap 17) also a nice 34 points.

Our winner in "C" Grade was Denise Marmion (H'Cap 36) with 32 points and our runner up was Trish Doughton (H'Cap 35) with 30 points.

N.T.P. 1st shot 4th was Sheree Wetton

            2nd Shot on 13 th was Leonie Hamilton

Pro- Balls went to   Bette Neil,Sheree Wetton, Denise Marmion, Val Morrison, and Sheradyn Johnson.

Congratulations to all of the above ladies!!

The winner of our nine Hole Comp was Marj Burridge with 10 points!

7 ladies participated in the nine hole comp.  Well Done ladies! Next week is our Stroke Monthly Medal Competition.......

Saturday Ladies Golf 28th January 2012

We had 6 ladies who teed up today and our winner was

LOIS WELDON (off handicap 38 ) with a great 40 points

our runner up was Sheradyn Johnson (off handicap 22)

N.T.P. was Jean Harle.........

Well done to all these ladies!!

Thursday, 26 January 2012

24th January 2012 "Par" Event

The weather was supposed to be fairly hot, and it was, although the wind was fairly light, and conditions were not too bad as 23 ladies teed up in our 18 Hole Competition with a further 7 ladies teeing up in the nine hole competition.

Our winner of "B" Grade with a very nice +3 ( H'Cap 32 ) was Jenny Dovison, and our runner up was Sheree Wetton also a very nice +1 ( h"cap 18)

Our winner of "C" Grade with  a +2 was Barb Sargent and just watch her handicap dropping, as she has shaken off the shackles of Presidency!!
Our runner up was denise Law with +1 ( h"cap 34) on countback from Di Stephen ( H'cap 45) also with a +1

well done Ladies!!

N.T.P. 2nd Shot 6th Hole        Shirley Gray
            1st Shot 12th Hole        Jenny Dovison

Pro- Balls went to Jenny Dovison,Barb Sargent,Sheree Wetton,Denise Law,and Shirley Gray

In our 9 Hole Competition Dot Crompton H'Cap 45 with a -4 was our winner on a countback from Di Tullberg and Bette Neil.

Next week we will be playing Stableford and hopefully the weather will be a little cooler!!
Congratulations to all our ladies today for staying with it in the heat!!!!

Stableford (Qualifying round for Summer Cup) 17th January 2012

The weather was predicately very warm, sunny and windy as we teed up for the qualifying round of the summer cup!

The winner of our daily competition was "b" Grade -   Barb Bright ( H'Cap 24) with a very nice 34 Points and runner up was
Gail Dodd ( h'cap 26) also with a nice 33 points.

Our "C" grade winner was Joan Davies (H'Cap 45) with a great 36 points, with runner up being Barb Sargent (H'Cap 39) with a nice 32 points.

Congratulations to all these ladies!!

N.T.P. went to    1st shot on 4th Hole          Maggie Clarke
                             2nd Shot on 13th Hole       Barb Bright
Pro- Balls went to Joan Davies,Barb Bright,Barb Sargent,Gail Dodd,Denise Law,Sylvia Clark

and our qualifyers for the summer cup were:- Joan Davies,Gail Dodd,Barb Sargent,Sylvia Clark,Trish Doughton,Kay Pridgett,Jocie Smith,Shirley Gray,Sheradyn Johnson,Jean Harle,Joan Coombs,Leonie Hamilton,Sheree Wetton, Jenny Dovison, Penny McCarthy and Pat Tindal.

Good Luck to all these ladies as they do battle in Matchplay over the next few weeks!!

Saturday Stableford 14th January 2012

12 Ladies teed up for the first round of the new Saturday season with Sheree Wetton ( h'Cap 19) coming in with a very nice 33 points, with our runner up being
\Shirley Gray ( h'cap 34) with 29 points.

Well Done L:adies!!

Next week there will be no competition as the Pro-Am will be played!!

Thursday, 12 January 2012


We had32 ladies play in our 9 Hole Stableford event for Opening Day. The weather wasn't the best for the time of year- a little cold and windy!! but we were able to blow the cobwebs away, as many ladies had not played golf since well before Christmas.

Our winner in "B" grade was Jenny Dovison (H'Cap 31) with 16 points on a countback from our runner up Sheree Wetton (H'cap 19) also 16 points, also on a countback from Denise Law and Maggie Clarke.

Our winner in "C"grade was Pat Tindal (H'Cap 45) with 16 points, and our runner up was Barb Sargent (H'Cap 39) with 15 points.

36 ladies were able to attend for lunch which was freshly prepared gourmet sandwiches followed by platters of fresh fruit - everything was delicious!!

At a short meeting afterwards, stalwart of the club     MARGARET CARROLL    was presented with  LIFE MEMBERSHIP  OF THE SAFETY BEACH GOLF CLUB.

Margaret was very surprised and delighted , and thoroughly deserved the award, after many years of being involved in many facets of the clubs organisation etc.

As we begin our 2012 golfing, we wish everyone all the best for the year both off and on the course!!